
187 hadith found in 'ONENESS, UNIQUENESS OF ALLAH (TAWHEED)' of Sahih Bukhari.

(548) Narrated 'Abdullah: While I was walking with Allah's Apostle in one of the fields of Medina and he was walking leaning on a stick, he passed a group of Jews. Some of them said to the others, "Ask him (the Prophet) about the spirit." Others said, "Do not ask him." But they asked him and he stood leaning on the stick and I was standing behind him and I thought that he was being divinely inspired. Then he said, "They ask you concerning the spirit say: The spirit, its knowledge is with My Lord. And of knowledge you (O men!) have been given only a little." ...(17.85) On that some of the Jews said to the others, "Didn't we tell you not to ask?"
(549) Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah guarantees to the person who carries out Jihad for His Cause and nothing compelled him to go out but the Jihad in His Cause, and belief in His Words, that He will either admit him into Paradise or return him with his reward or the booty he has earned to his residence from where he went out." (See Hadith No. 555).
(550) Narrated Abu Musa: A man came to the Prophet and said, "A man fights for pride and haughtiness another fights for bravery, and another fights for showing off; which of these (cases) is in Allah's Cause?" The Prophet said, "The one who fights that Allah's Word (Islam) should be superior, fights in Allah's Cause." (See Hadith No. 65, Vol. 4)
(551) Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba: I heard the Prophet saying, "Some people from my followers will continue to be victorious over others till Allah's Order (The Hour) is established." (See Hadith No. 414)
(552) Narrated Muawiya: I heard the Prophet saying, "A group of my followers will keep on following Allah's Laws strictly and they will not be harmed by those who will disbelieve them or stand against them till Allah's Order (The Hour) will come while they will be in that state."
(553) Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet stood before Musailama (the liar) who was sitting with his companions then, and said to him, "If you ask me for this piece (of palm-leaf stalk), even then I would not give it to you. You cannot avoid what Allah has ordained for you, and if you turn away from Islam, Allah will surely ruin you! "
(554) Narrated Ibn Mas'ud: While I was walking in company with the Prophet in one of the fields of Medina, the Prophet was reclining on a palm leave stalk which he carried with him. We passed by a group of Jews. Some of them said to the others, "Ask him about the spirit." The others said, "Do not ask him, lest he would say something that you hate." Some of them said, "We will ask him." So a man from among them stood up and said, 'O Abal-Qasim! What is the spirit?" The Prophet kept quiet and I knew that he was being divinely inspired. Then he said: "They ask you concerning the Spirit, Say: The Spirit; its knowledge is with my Lord. And of knowledge you (mankind) have been given only a little." (17.85)
(555) Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah guarantees (the person who carries out Jihad in His Cause and nothing compelled him to go out but Jihad in His Cause and the belief in His Word) that He will either admit him into Paradise (Martyrdom) or return him with reward or booty he has earned to his residence from where he went out."
(556) Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle said, "Whenever anyone of you invoke Allah for something, he should be firm in his asking, and he should not say: 'If You wish, give me...' for none can compel Allah to do something against His Will."
(557) Narrated 'Ali bin Abi Talib: That one night Allah's Apostle visited him and Fatima, the daughter of Allah's Apostle and said to them, "Won 't you offer (night) prayer?.. 'Ali added: I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Our souls are in the Hand of Allah and when He Wishes to bring us to life, He does." Then Allah's Apostle went away when I said so and he did not give any reply. Then I heard him on leaving while he was striking his thighs, saying, 'But man is, more quarrelsome than anything.' (18.54)
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