The Quran:
سورة النبإ

78. An-Naba | 40 verses | The Announcement | Meccan

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Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
6.أَلَمْ نَجْعَلِ الْأَرْضَ مِهَادًا
Yusuf Ali:Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse,
Shakir:Have We not made the earth an even expanse?
Pickthall:Have We not made the earth an expanse,
Mohsin Khan:Have We not made the earth as a bed,
Urdu:کیا ہم نے زمین کو فرش نہیں بنایا

7.وَالْجِبَالَ أَوْتَادًا
Yusuf Ali:And the mountains as pegs?
Shakir:And the mountains as projections (thereon)?
Pickthall:And the high hills bulwarks?
Mohsin Khan:And the mountains as pegs?
Urdu:اور پہاڑوں کو میخیں

8.وَخَلَقْنَاكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا
Yusuf Ali:And (have We not) created you in pairs,
Shakir:And We created you in pairs,
Pickthall:And We have created you in pairs,
Mohsin Khan:And We have created you in pairs (male and female, tall and short, good and bad, etc.).
Urdu:اور ہم نے تمہیں جوڑے جوڑے پیدا کیا

9.وَجَعَلْنَا نَوْمَكُمْ سُبَاتًا
Yusuf Ali:And made your sleep for rest,
Shakir:And We made your sleep to be rest (to you),
Pickthall:And have appointed your sleep for repose,
Mohsin Khan:And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest.
Urdu:اور تمہاری نیند کو راحت کا باعث بنایا

10.وَجَعَلْنَا اللَّيْلَ لِبَاسًا
Yusuf Ali:And made the night as a covering,
Shakir:And We made the night to be a covering,
Pickthall:And have appointed the night as a cloak,
Mohsin Khan:And We have made the night as a covering (through its darkness),
Urdu:اور رات کو پردہ پوش بنایا

11.وَجَعَلْنَا النَّهَارَ مَعَاشًا
Yusuf Ali:And made the day as a means of subsistence?
Shakir:And We made the day for seeking livelihood.
Pickthall:And have appointed the day for livelihood.
Mohsin Khan:And We have made the day for livelihood.
Urdu:اور دن کو روزی کمانے کے لیے بنایا

12.وَبَنَيْنَا فَوْقَكُمْ سَبْعًا شِدَادًا
Yusuf Ali:And (have We not) built over you the seven firmaments,
Shakir:And We made above you seven strong ones,
Pickthall:And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),
Mohsin Khan:And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),
Urdu:اور ہم نے تمہارے اوپر سات سخت (آسمان) بنائے

13.وَجَعَلْنَا سِرَاجًا وَهَّاجًا
Yusuf Ali:And placed (therein) a Light of Splendour?
Shakir:And We made a shining lamp,
Pickthall:And have appointed a dazzling lamp,
Mohsin Khan:And We have made (therein) a shining lamp (sun).
Urdu:اور ایک جگمگاتا ہوا چراغ بنایا

14.وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ الْمُعْصِرَاتِ مَاءً ثَجَّاجًا
Yusuf Ali:And do We not send down from the clouds water in abundance,
Shakir:And We send down from the clouds water pouring forth abundantly,
Pickthall:And have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water,
Mohsin Khan:And We have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant water.
Urdu:اور ہم نے بادلوں سے زور کا پانی اتارا

15.لِّنُخْرِجَ بِهِ حَبًّا وَنَبَاتًا
Yusuf Ali:That We may produce therewith corn and vegetables,
Shakir:That We may bring forth thereby corn and herbs,
Pickthall:Thereby to produce grain and plant,
Mohsin Khan:That We may produce therewith corn and vegetations,
Urdu:تاکہ ہم اس سے اناج اور گھاس اگائیں

16.وَجَنَّاتٍ أَلْفَافًا
Yusuf Ali:And gardens of luxurious growth?
Shakir:And gardens dense and luxuriant.
Pickthall:And gardens of thick foliage.
Mohsin Khan:And gardens of thick growth.
Urdu:اور گھنے باغ اگائیں

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