Arabic to English Translation

رقيق found in 14 words.
1.Bland, Flimsies, Suave, Thin
fine, thin, thinning, filmy, flimsy, gauzy, gossamery, superfine, sharp, fragile, aerial, tenuous, bland, dainty, delicate, suave, kind-hearted, kindly, affectionate, subtle, angelic, gentle, hearty, soft-hearted, warm, tender, quiet, refined, gracious, airy, lovely, nice, mincing, orchidaceous, photogenic, piano, Romance, sloppy, feminine, fluffy, frothy, mellow, pastel, smooth, sugary, watery, gingerly, trick slave, tilery, bleeding heart
2.gauzeرقيق كالشاش
3.kind-hearted, tender heartedرقيق الفؤاد
4.soft-heartedرقيق القلب
5.wishy-washyرقيق القوام
6.thinskinnedرقيق الاحساس
7.thinskinnedرقيق الجلد
8.sensitiveرقيق الشعور
9.lovingرقيق الطبع
10.sentimentalرقيق العاطفة
11.chattelرقيق العبد
12.gently bornرقيق بطبعه
13.pianissimoرقيق جدا
14.lamina, plateletرقيقة
رقيق found in 14 words.

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