Arabic to English Translation

ضخ found in 12 words.
1.pumping pumpضخ
2.Astronomic, Astronomical, Beefy, Bulky, Cyclopean, Huge, Hulking, Massy, Prodigious
large, great, awful, bulky, exuberant, astronomical, big, colossal, gargantuan, enormous, giant, gigantic, huge, immense, jumbo, tremendous, considerable, mammoth, mighty, mountainous, swingeing, whopping, whacking, titanic, titan, tall, stupendous, sizable, royal, elephantine, goodly, grand, handsome, hefty, heroic, husky, monstrous, monumental, outsize, oversize, strapping, towering, voluminous, vast, massive, mass, fat, heavy, hulking, intense, strong, powerful, proud, round, palatial, phenomenal, prodigious, smart, sublime, tidy, liberal, ghastly colossus, bull, bulk, leviathan exaggerate, distend, extend anti-
3.infiniteضخم إلى أبعد الحدود
ضخم الجثة
5.Macromolecularضخم الجزيئات
6.full bodiedضخم الجسم
7.amplifyضخم الصوت
ضخم جدا
10.bigness, giantess, largeness, greatness, size, vastness, immensity, immenseness, massiveness, enormity, monstrosity, swelling, exuberance, generosityضخامة
11.acromegalyضخامة النهايات
ضخ found in 12 words.

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