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The word(s) "muslims" appears 75 time(s) in 71 verse(s) in Quran in Mohsin Khan translation.

(21) And when I (Allah) revealed to Al-Hawariyyun (the disciples) [of 'Îsa (Jesus)] to believe in Me and My Messenger, they said: "We believe. And bear witness that we are muslims."
(22) Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): "Shall I take as a Wali (Helper, Protector, Lord or God) any other than Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth? And it is He Who feeds but is not fed." Say: "Verily, I am commanded to be the first of those who submit themselves to Allah (as muslims)." And be not you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) of the Mushrikun [polytheists, pagans, idolaters and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah]. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi)
(23) And they swear their strongest oaths by Allah, that if there came to them a sign, they would surely believe therein. Say: "Signs are but with Allah and what will make you (muslims) perceive that (even) if it (the sign) came, they will not believe?"
(24) "He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the muslims."
(25) "And you take vengeance on us only because we believed in the Ayat (proofs, evidence, lessons, signs, etc.) of our Lord when they reached us! Our Lord! pour out on us patience, and cause us to die as muslims."
(26) And (remember) when Allah promised you (muslims) one of the two parties (of the enemy i.e. either the army or the caravan) that it should be yours; you wished that the one not armed (the caravan) should be yours, but Allah willed to justify the truth by His Words and to cut off the roots of the disbelievers (i.e. in the battle of Badr).
(27) When the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was a disease (of disbelief) said: "These people (muslims) are deceived by their religion." But whoever puts his trust in Allah, then surely, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
(28) And those who disbelieve are allies of one another, (and) if you (muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so [i.e. become allies, as one united block under one Khalifah (a chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world) to make victorious Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism], there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism) and oppression on the earth, and a great mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism).
(29) They swear by Allah to you (muslims) in order to please you, but it is more fitting that they should please Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), if they are believers.
(30) They (the hypocrites) will present their excuses to you (muslims), when you return to them. Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) "Present no excuses, we shall not believe you. Allah has already informed us of the news concerning you. Allah and His Messenger will observe your deeds. In the end you will be brought back to the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He (Allah) will inform you of what you used to do." [Tafsir At-Tabari]
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The word(s) "muslims" appears 75 time(s) in 71 verse(s) in Quran in Mohsin Khan translation.