
178 hadith found in 'Sales and Trade' of Sahih Bukhari.

(269) Narrated Aisha: Utba bin Abu Waqqas took a firm promise from his brother Sad bin Abu Waqqas to take the son of the slave-girl of Zam'a into his custody as he was his (i.e. 'Utba's) son. In the year of the Conquest (of Mecca) Sad bin Abu Waqqas took him, and said that he was his brother's son, and his brother took a promise from him to that effect. 'Abu bin Zam'a got up and said, "He is my brother and the son of the slave-girl of my father and was born on my father's bed." Then they both went to the Prophet Sad said, "O Allah's Apostle! He is the son of my brother and he has taken a promise from me that I will take him." 'Abu bin Zam'a said, "(He is) my brother and the son of my father's slave-girl and was born on my father's bed." Allah's Apostle said, "The boy is for you. O 'Abu bin Zam'a." Then the Prophet said, "The son is for the bed (i.e the man on whose bed he was born) and stones (disappointment and deprivation) for the one who has done illegal sexual intercourse." The Prophet told his wife Sauda bint Zam'a to screen herself from that boy as he noticed a similarity between the boy and 'Utba. So, the boy did not see her till he died.
(270) Narrated 'Adi bin Hatim: I asked Allah's Apostle about Al Mirad (i.e. a sharp-edged piece of wood or a piece of wood provided with a piece of iron used for hunting). He replied, "If the game is hit by its sharp edge, eat it, and if it is hit by its broad side, do not eat it, for it has been beaten to death." I asked, "O Allah's Apostle! I release my dog by the name of Allah and find with it at the game, another dog on which I have not mentioned the name of Allah, and I do not know which one of them caught the game." Allah's Apostle said (to him), 'Don't eat it as you have mentioned the name of Allah on your dog and not on the other dog."
(271) Narrated Anas: The Prophet passed by a fallen date and said, "Were it not for my doubt that this might have been given in charity, I would have eaten it." And narrated Abu Huraira the Prophet said, "I found a date-fruit fallen on my bed."
(272) Narrated 'Abbas bin Tamim: that his uncle said: "The Prophet was asked: If a person feels something during his prayer; should one interrupt his prayer?" The Prophet said: No! You should not give it up unless you hear a sound or smell something." Narrated Ibn Abi Hafsa: Az-Zuhri said, "There is no need of repeating ablution unless you detect a smell or hear a sound."
(273) Narrated 'Aisha: Some people said, "O Allah's Apostle! Meat is brought to us by some people and we are not sure whether the name of Allah has been mentioned on it or not (at the time of slaughtering the animals)." Allah's Apostle said (to them), "Mention the name of Allah and eat it."
(274) Narrated Jabir: While we were offering the prayer with the Prophet a caravan carrying food came from Sham. The people looked towards the caravan (and went to it) and only twelve persons remained with the Prophet. So, the Divine Inspiration came; "But when they see some bargain or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it." (62.11)
(275) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A time will come when one will not care how one gains one's money, legally or illegally."
(276) Narrated Abu Al-Minhal: I used to practice money exchange, and I asked Zaid bin 'Arqam about it, and he narrated what the Prophet said in the following: Abu Al-Minhal said, "I asked Al-Bara' bin 'Azib and Zaid bin Arqam about practicing money exchange. They replied, 'We were traders in the time of Allah's Apostle and I asked Allah's Apostle about money exchange. He replied, 'If it is from hand to hand, there is no harm in it; otherwise it is not permissible."
(277) Narrated 'Ubai bin 'Umar: Abu Musa asked Umar to admit him but he was not admitted as 'Umar was busy, so Abu Musa went back. When 'Umar finished his job he said, "Didn't I hear the voice of 'Abdullah bin Qais? Let him come in." 'Umar was told that he had left. So, he sent for him and on his arrival, he (Abu Musa) said, "We were ordered to do so (i.e. to leave if not admitted after asking permission thrice). 'Umar told him, "Bring witness in proof of your statement." Abu Musa went to the Ansar's meeting places and asked them. They said, "None amongst us will give this witness except the youngest of us, Abu Said Al-Khudri. Abu Musa then took Abu Said Al-Khudri (to 'Umar) and 'Umar said, surprisingly, "Has this order of Allah's Apostle been hidden from me?" (Then he added), "I used to be busy trading in markets."
(278) Narrated Jabir: A caravan arrived (at Medina) while we were offering the Jumua prayer with the Prophet. The people left out for the caravan, with the exception of twelve persons. Then this Verse was revealed: 'But when they see some bargain or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it and leave you standing." (62.11)
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