
501 hadith found in 'Prophetic Commentary on the Quran (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh))' of Sahih Bukhari.

(83) Narrated Abu Huraira: Whenever Allah's Apostle intended to invoke evil upon somebody or invoke good upon somebody, he used to invoke (Allah after bowing (in the prayer). Sometimes after saying, "Allah hears him who sends his praises to Him, all praise is for You, O our Lord," he would say, "O Allah. Save Al-Walid bin Al-Walid and Salama bin Hisham, and 'Aiyash bin Abu Rabi'a. O Allah! Inflict Your Severe Torture on Mudar (tribe) and strike them with (famine) years like the years of Joseph." The Prophet used to say in a loud voice, and he also used to say in some of his Fajr prayers, "O Allah! Curse so-and-so and so-and-so." naming some of the Arab tribes till Allah revealed:--"Not for you (O Muhammad) (but for Allah) is the decision." (3.128)
(84) Narrated Al-Bara bin Azib: The Prophet appointed 'Abdullah bin Jubair as the commander of the infantry during the battle of Uhud. They returned defeated, and that is what is meant by:-- "And the Apostle was calling them back in the rear. None remained with the Prophet then, but twelve men."
(85) Narrated Abu Talha: Slumber overtook us during the battle of Uhud while we were in the front files. My sword would fall from my hand and I would pick it up, and again it would fall down and I would pick it up again.
(86) Narrated Ibn Abbas: 'Allah is Sufficient for us and He Is the Best Disposer of affairs," was said by Abraham when he was thrown into the fire; and it was said by Muhammad when they (i.e. hypocrites) said, "A great army is gathering against you, therefore, fear them," but it only increased their faith and they said: "Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer (of affairs, for us)." (3.173)
(87) Narrated Ibn Abbas: The last statement of Abraham when he was thrown into the fire was:--"Allah is Sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer (of affairs for us)." (3.173)
(88) Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Anyone whom Allah has given wealth but he does not pay its Zakat, then, on the Day of Resurrection, his wealth will be presented to him in the shape of a bald-headed poisonous male snake with two poisonous glands in its mouth and it will encircle itself round his neck and bite him over his cheeks and say, "I am your wealth; I am your treasure." Then the Prophet recited this Divine Verse:-- "And let not those who covetously withhold of that which Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty." (3.180)
(89) Narrated Usama bin Zaid: Allah's Apostle rode a donkey, equipped with a thick cloth-covering made in Fadak and was riding behind him. He was going to pay visit to Sad bin Ubada in Banu Al-Harith bin Al-Khazraj; and this incident happened before the battle of Badr. The Prophet passed by a gathering in which 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul was present, and that was before 'Abdullah bin Ubai embraced Islam. Behold in that gathering there were people of different religions: there were Muslims, pagans, idol-worshippers and Jews, and in that gathering 'Abdullah bin Rawaha was also present. When a cloud of dust raised by the donkey reached that gathering, 'Abdullah bin Ubai covered his nose with his garment and then said, "Do not cover us with dust." Then Allah's Apostle greeted them and stopped and dismounted and invited them to Allah (i.e. to embrace Islam) and recited to them the Holy Qur'an. On that, 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Saluil said, "O man ! There is nothing better than that what you say. If it is the truth, then do not trouble us with it in our gatherings. Return to your mount (or residence) and if somebody comes to you, relate (your tales) to him." On that 'Abdullah bin Rawaha said, "Yes, O Allah's Apostle! Bring it (i.e. what you want to say) to us in our gathering, for we love that." So the Muslims, the pagans and the Jews started abusing one another till they were on the point of fighting with one another. The Prophet kept on quietening them till they became quiet, whereupon the Prophet rode his animal (mount) and proceeded till he entered upon Sad bin Ubada. The Prophet said to Sad, "Did you not hear what 'Abu Hub-b said?" He meant 'Abdullah bin Ubai. "He said so-and-so." On that Sad bin Ubada said, "O Allah's Apostle! Excuse and forgive him, for by Him Who revealed the Book to you, Allah brought the Truth which was sent to you at the time when the people of this town (i.e. Medina) had decided unanimously to crown him and tie a turban on his head (electing him as chief). But when Allah opposed that (decision) through the Truth which Allah gave to you, he (i.e. 'Abdullah bin Ubai) was grieved with jealously. and that caused him to do what you have seen." So Allah's Apostle excused him, for the Prophet and his companions used to forgive the pagans and the people of Scripture as Allah had ordered them, and they used to put up with their mischief with patience. Allah said: "And you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you from those who received the Scripture before you and from the pagans........'(3.186) And Allah also said:--"Many of the people of the Scripture wish if they could turn you away as disbelievers after you have believed, from selfish envy.." (2.109) So the Prophet used to stick to the principle of forgiveness for them as long as Allah ordered him to do so till Allah permitted fighting them. So when Allah's Apostle fought the battle of Badr and Allah killed the nobles of Quraish infidels through him, Ibn Ubai bin Salul and the pagans and idolaters who were with him, said, "This matter (i.e. Islam) has appeared (i.e. became victorious)." So they gave the pledge of allegiance (for embracing Islam) to Allah's Apostle and became Muslims.
(90) Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: During the lifetime of Allah's Apostle, some men among the hypocrites used to remain behind him (i.e. did not accompany him) when he went out for a Ghazwa and they would be pleased to stay at home behind Allah's Apostle When Allah's Apostle returned (from the battle) they would put forward (false) excuses and take oaths, wishing to be praised for what they had not done. So there was revealed:-- "Think not that those who rejoice in what they have done, and love to be praised for what they have not done.." (3.188)
(91) Narrated Alqama bin Waqqas: Marwan said to his gatekeeper, "Go to Ibn 'Abbas, O Rafi, and say, 'If everybody who rejoices in what he has done, and likes to be praised for what he has not done, will be punished, then all of us will be punished." Ibn Abbas said, "What connection have you with this case? It was only that the Prophet called the Jews and asked them about something, and they hid the truth and told him something else, and showed him that they deserved praise for the favor of telling him the answer to his question, and they became happy with what they had concealed. Then Ibn Abbas recited:-- "(And remember) when Allah took a Covenant from those who were given the Scripture..and those who rejoice in what they have done and love to be praised for what they have not done.' " (3.187-188)
(92) Narrated Humaid bin 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf: That Marwan had told him (the above narration No. 91).
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