
173 hadith found in 'To make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq)' of Sahih Bukhari.

(557) Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah will say to the people of Paradise, 'O the people of Paradise!' They will say, 'Labbaik, O our Lord, and Sa'daik!' Allah will say, 'Are you pleased?" They will say, 'Why should we not be pleased since You have given us what You have not given to anyone of Your creation?' Allah will say, 'I will give you something better than that.' They will reply, 'O our Lord! And what is better than that?' Allah will say, 'I will bestow My pleasure and contentment upon you so that I will never be angry with you after for-ever.' "
(558) Narrated Anas: Haritha was martyred on the day (of the battle) of Badr while he was young. His mother came to the Prophet saying, "O Allah's Apostle! You know the relation of Haritha to me (how fond of him I was); so, if he is in Paradise, I will remain patient and wish for Allah's reward, but if he is not there, then you will see what I will do." The Prophet replied, "May Allah be merciful upon you! Have you gone mad? (Do you think) it is one Paradise? There are many Paradises and he is in the (most superior) Paradise of Al-Firdaus." 8.559.: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "The width between the two shoulders of a Kafir (disbeliever) will be equal to the distance covered by a fast rider in three days."
(559) Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd: Allah's Apostle said, "In Paradise there is a tree so big that in its shade a rider may travel for one hundred years without being able to cross it."
(559e) Narrated Abu Sa'id: The Prophet said: There is a tree in Paradise (so huge) that a fast (or a trained) rider may travel: for one hundred years without being able to cross it.
(560) Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd: Allah's Apostle said, "Seventy thousand or seven hundred thousand of my followers will enter Paradise. (Abu Hazim, the sub-narrator, is not sure as to which of the two numbers is correct.) And they will be holding on to one another, and the first of them will not enter till the last of them has entered, and their faces will be like the moon on a full moon night."
(561) Narrated Sahl: The Prophet said, "The people of Paradise will see the Ghuraf (special abodes) in Paradise as you see a star in the sky." Abu Said added: "As you see a glittering star remaining in the eastern horizon and the western horizon."
(562) Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "Allah will say to the person who will have the minimum punishment in the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, 'If you had things equal to whatever is on the earth, would you ransom yourself (from the punishment) with it?' He will reply, Yes. Allah will say, 'I asked you a much easier thing than this while you were in the backbone of Adam, that is, not to worship others besides Me, but you refused and insisted to worship others besides Me."'
(563) Narrated Hammad from 'Amr from Jabir: The Prophet said, "Some people will come out of the Fire through intercession looking like The Thaarir." I asked 'Amr, "What is the Thaarir?" He said, Ad Daghabis, and at that time he was toothless. Hammad added: I said to 'Amr bin Dinar, "O Abu Muhammad! Did you hear Jabir bin 'Abdullah saying, 'I heard the Prophet saying: 'Some people will come out of the Fire through intercession?" He said, "Yes. "
(564) Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "Some people will come out of the Fire after they have received a touch of the Fire, changing their color, and they will enter Paradise, and the people of Paradise will name them 'Al-Jahannamiyin' the (Hell) Fire people."
(565) Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Allah's Apostle said, "When the people of Paradise have entered Paradise, and the people of the Fire have entered the Fire, Allah will say. 'Take out (of the Fire) whoever has got faith equal to a mustard seed in his heart.' They will come out, and by that time they would have burnt and became like coal, and then they will be thrown into the river of Al-Hayyat (life) and they will spring up just as a seed grows on the bank of a rainwater stream." The Prophet said, "Don't you see that the germinating seed comes out yellow and twisted?"
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