1,146 cities found that start with 'c' in Belgium
1041. Crevecoeur (50.55N, 3.43E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1042. Crevecoeur (50.55N, 5.6E) Liege, Populated Place 1043. Crevecoeur (50.68N, 5.37E) Liege, Populated Place 1044. Crijt (50.88N, 5.42E) Limburg, Populated Place 1045. Crimont (50.73N, 3.65E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1046. Crinquaille (50.57N, 4.33E) (BE02), Farm 1047. Criptia (50.37N, 4.62E) Namur, Populated Place 1048. Crisnee (50.72N, 5.4E) Liege, Administrative Division 1049. Crisnee (50.72N, 5.4E) Liege, Populated Place 1050. Croiginette (49.83N, 4.93E) Namur, Forest(s) 1051. Croiseau (50.62N, 4.25E) (BE02), Populated Place 1052. Croiseau (50.62N, 4.03E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1053. Croisement de la Fleche (49.87N, 5.23E) Luxembourg, Populated Place 1054. Croisette (50.55N, 3.3E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1055. Croisette (50.67N, 3.98E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1056. Croisette de Rossignol (49.73N, 5.47E) Luxembourg, Forest(s) 1057. Croisissart (50.67N, 3.68E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1058. Croisseau (50.62N, 4.03E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1059. Croix (50.3N, 5.05E) Namur, Populated Place 1060. Croix Berck (50.23N, 5.08E) Namur, Populated Place 1061. Croix de la Bataille (50.2N, 4.23E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1062. Croix de la Planche (50.13N, 5.2E) Namur, Populated Place 1063. Croix de Pierre (50.62N, 4.05E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1064. Croix dite Gloriette (50.1N, 5.25E) Namur, Populated Place 1065. Croix Fanzel (50.32N, 5.53E) Luxembourg, Populated Place 1066. Croix Gloriette (50.1N, 5.25E) Namur, Populated Place 1067. Croix Hayette (50.6N, 4.38E) (BE02), Farm 1068. Croix Meurice (50.28N, 4.55E) Namur, Populated Place 1069. Croix Michel (50.55N, 5.67E) Liege, Populated Place 1070. Croix Norbert (50.13N, 4.15E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1071. Croix Remy (50.15N, 5.05E) Namur, Populated Place 1072. Croix Saint-Jean (50.15N, 5.23E) Namur, Populated Place 1073. Croix-de-Pierre (50.57N, 3.33E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1074. Croix-lez-Rouveroy (50.37N, 4.07E) Hainaut, Administrative Division 1075. Croix-lez-Rouveroy (50.37N, 4.07E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1076. Crokaart (50.9N, 4.25E) (BE02), Farm 1077. Crokegem (50.92N, 4.18E) (BE02), Populated Place 1078. Croly (50.67N, 4.13E) (BE02), Populated Place 1079. Crombach (50.27N, 6.07E) Liege, Administrative Division 1080. Crombach (50.26N, 6.07E) Liege, Populated Place | 1081. Crombeke (50.92N, 2.68E) West-Vlaanderen, Administrative Division 1082. Crombeke (50.92N, 2.68E) West-Vlaanderen, Populated Place 1083. Crombrue (50.65N, 3.25E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1084. Cromvelde (51.12N, 3.67E) Oost-Vlaanderen, Populated Place 1085. Cronawasser Ruisseau (49.77N, 5.82E) , Stream 1086. Cronchamps (50.47N, 5.97E) Liege, Populated Place 1087. Croncul (50.57N, 4.23E) Hainaut, Farm 1088. Cronenschild (50.73N, 5.92E) Liege, Populated Place 1089. Cronfestu (50.43N, 4.22E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1090. Croquy (50.63N, 3.88E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1091. Crossee (50.48N, 5.48E) Liege, Populated Place 1092. Crotteux (50.63N, 5.43E) Liege, Populated Place 1093. Croukray (50.32N, 5.72E) Liege, Populated Place 1094. Croupet du Moulin (50.53N, 5.93E) Liege, Populated Place 1095. Croupets du Moulin (50.53N, 5.93E) Liege, Populated Place 1096. Crouzet (50.67N, 3.3E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1097. Crulsbeke (50.75N, 3.95E) , Stream 1098. Crupchy (49.97N, 5.38E) Luxembourg, Populated Place 1099. Crupet (50.35N, 4.95E) Namur, Administrative Division 1100. Crupet (50.35N, 4.8E) Namur, Populated Place 1101. Crusbeek (50.75N, 3.95E) , Stream 1102. Cruybeke (51.17N, 4.32E) Oost-Vlaanderen, Populated Place 1103. Cruybeke Broek Polder (51.17N, 4.32E) Oost-Vlaanderen, Polder 1104. Cruys (51N, 4.68E) (BE02), Populated Place 1105. Cruyshautem (50.9N, 3.52E) Oost-Vlaanderen, Populated Place 1106. Cryt (50.88N, 5.42E) Limburg, Populated Place 1107. Cuerne (50.85N, 3.28E) West-Vlaanderen, Administrative Division 1108. Cuerne (50.85N, 3.28E) West-Vlaanderen, Populated Place 1109. Cuesmes (50.43N, 3.92E) Hainaut, Administrative Division 1110. Cuesmes (50.43N, 3.92E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1111. Cugnon (49.8N, 5.2E) Luxembourg, Administrative Division 1112. Cugnon (49.8N, 5.2E) Luxembourg, Populated Place 1113. Cul d'Oremont (49.78N, 5.43E) Luxembourg, Forest(s) 1114. Cul de Balleux (50.27N, 5.2E) Namur, Populated Place 1115. Cul du Four (50.05N, 5.4E) Luxembourg, Populated Place 1116. Cul du Q'vau (50.4N, 3.85E) Hainaut, Populated Place 1117. Cul-des-Sarts (49.97N, 4.45E) Namur, Administrative Division 1118. Cul-des-Sarts (49.97N, 4.45E) Namur, Populated Place 1119. Culo (50.8N, 4.78E) (BE02), Populated Place 1120. Culot (50.38N, 3.87E) Hainaut, Populated Place |