Prayer Times (Westboro, WI, Usa)

Latitude: Longitude:


Prayer Calculation Methods (For Fajr and Isha Prayer Times)
Muslim World League (Fajr = 18 degrees and Isha = 17 degrees)
Egyptian General Authority of Survey (Fajr = 19.5 degrees and Isha = 17.5 degrees)
University Of Islamic Sciences, Karachi (Fajr = 18 degrees and Isha = 18 degrees)
Umm Al-Qura (Fajr = 19 degrees and Isha = 90 minutes after Maghrib Prayer Time)
North America (Fajr = 15 degrees and Isha = 15 degrees)
Twilight Angle in Degress
Fajr = degrees and Isha = degrees.
Twilight Angle and Time Difference
Fajr = degrees and Isha = minutes after maghrib time.

Juristic Methods (For Asr Prayer Time)
Standard (Imam Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali)
Imam Hanafi

Dhuhr Prayer Time
Dhuhr = minute(s) after Zawal.

Maghrib Prayer Time
Maghrib = minute(s) after Sunset.

Daylight Savings
Observe Daylight Savings between these dates.
Day Month Year
Starting Date:
Starting Date: