Serra Azul Prayer Times

Serra Azul, Brazil

Rajab 25, 1446
Fajr 5:18
Sunrise 6:37
Dhuhr 1:11
Asr 4:25
Maghrib 7:43
Isha 8:58

Prayer Times (Serra Azul, Brazil) أوقات صلاة

Jan 2025 Rajab 1446 Fajr Sun rise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
1 Shaban 1, 1446 4:59 6:21 1:02 4:22 7:42 9:00
2 2 5:00 6:22 1:02 4:22 7:42 9:00
3 3 5:00 6:23 1:03 4:22 7:42 9:00
4 4 5:01 6:23 1:03 4:23 7:42 9:01
5 5 5:02 6:24 1:04 4:23 7:43 9:01
6 6 5:03 6:25 1:04 4:23 7:43 9:01
7 7 5:03 6:25 1:05 4:23 7:43 9:01
8 8 5:04 6:26 1:05 4:23 7:43 9:01
9 9 5:05 6:27 1:06 4:23 7:43 9:01
10 10 5:06 6:27 1:06 4:23 7:44 9:01
11 11 5:07 6:28 1:06 4:23 7:44 9:01
12 12 5:07 6:29 1:07 4:23 7:44 9:01
13 13 5:08 6:29 1:07 4:23 7:44 9:01
14 14 5:09 6:30 1:07 4:23 7:44 9:01
15 15 5:10 6:31 1:08 4:22 7:44 9:01
16 16 5:11 6:31 1:08 4:22 7:44 9:00
17 17 5:12 6:32 1:08 4:22 7:44 9:00
18 18 5:12 6:33 1:09 4:22 7:44 9:00
19 19 5:13 6:33 1:09 4:21 7:44 9:00
20 20 5:14 6:34 1:09 4:22 7:44 9:00
21 21 5:15 6:35 1:10 4:23 7:44 8:59
22 22 5:16 6:35 1:10 4:23 7:43 8:59
23 23 5:17 6:36 1:10 4:24 7:43 8:59
24 24 5:17 6:36 1:10 4:24 7:43 8:58
25 25 5:18 6:37 1:11 4:25 7:43 8:58
26 26 5:19 6:38 1:11 4:25 7:43 8:58
27 27 5:20 6:38 1:11 4:26 7:42 8:57
28 28 5:21 6:39 1:11 4:27 7:42 8:57
29 29 5:22 6:40 1:11 4:27 7:42 8:56
30 30 5:22 6:40 1:12 4:28 7:42 8:56
31 Shaban 1, 1446 5:23 6:41 1:12 4:28 7:41 8:56

Prayer Times Parameters

Location: Serra Azul, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Makkah Distance: Distance between Serra Azul and Makkah is 10,248 kilometers
Madina Distance: Distance between Serra Azul and Madina is 10,352 kilometers
Calculation Method
(Fajr & Isha):
Muslim World League
Asr Method: Imam Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali
Dhuhr Time: 1 minute(s) after Zawal.
Maghrib Time: 1 minute(s) after Sunset.
Timezone: GMT -2 (including daylight savings)
Daylight Savings: Yes
Starting Date (dd/mm/yy): 19/10/2025
Ending Date (dd/mm/yy): 31/2/2026
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