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The words "abu huraira" appear in 1039 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.

(21) Narrated abu huraira: I said to Allah's Apostle "I hear many narrations (Hadiths) from you but I forget them." Allah's Apostle said, "Spread your Rida' (garment)." I did accordingly and then he moved his hands as if filling them with something (and emptied them in my Rida') and then said, "Take and wrap this sheet over your body." I did it and after that I never forgot any thing.  (Book #3, Hadith #119)
(22) Narrated Ibrahim bin Al-Mundhir: Ibn Abi Fudaik narrated the same as above (Hadith...119) but added that the Prophet had moved his hands as if filling them with something and then he emptied them in the Rida' of abu huraira.  (Book #3, Hadith #120)
(23) Narrated abu huraira: I have memorized two kinds of knowledge from Allah's Apostle . I have propagated one of them to you and if I propagated the second, then my pharynx (throat) would be cut (i.e. killed).  (Book #3, Hadith #121)
(24) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The prayer of a person who does ,Hadath (passes, urine, stool or wind) is not accepted till he performs (repeats) the ablution." A person from Hadaramout asked abu huraira, "What is 'Hadath'?" abu huraira replied, " 'Hadath' means the passing of wind from the anus."  (Book #4, Hadith #137)
(25) Narrated Nu'am Al-Mujmir: Once I went up the roof of the mosque, along with abu huraira. He perform ablution and said, "I heard the Prophet saying, "On the Day of Resurrection, my followers will be called "Al-Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun" from the trace of ablution and whoever can increase the area of his radiance should do so (i.e. by performing ablution regularly).' "  (Book #4, Hadith #138)
(26) Narrated abu huraira: I followed the Prophet while he was going out to answer the call of nature. He used not to look this way or that. So, when I approached near him he said to me, "Fetch for me some stones for ' cleaning the privates parts (or said something similar), and do not bring a bone or a piece of dung." So I brought the stones in the corner of my garment and placed them by his side and I then went away from him. When he finished (from answering the call of nature) he used, them .  (Book #4, Hadith #157)
(27) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever performs ablution should clean his nose with water by putting the water in it and then blowing it out, and whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do it with odd number of stones."  (Book #4, Hadith #162)
(28) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "If anyone of you performs ablution he should put water in his nose and then blow it out and whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do so with odd numbers. And whoever wakes up from his sleep should wash his hands before putting them in the water for ablution, because nobody knows where his hands were during sleep."  (Book #4, Hadith #163)
(29) Narrated Muhammad Ibn Ziyad: I heard abu huraira saying as he passed by us while the people were performing ablution from a utensil containing water, "Perform ablution perfectly and thoroughly for abul-Qasim (the Prophet) said, 'Save your heels from the Hell-fire.' "  (Book #4, Hadith #166)
(30) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "If a dog drinks from the utensil of anyone of you it is essential to wash it seven times."  (Book #4, Hadith #173)
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The words "abu huraira" appear in 1039 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.