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The words "abu huraira" appear in 1039 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.

(281) Narrated abu huraira: that Allah's Apostle said, "Do not withhold the superfluous water in order to withhold the superfluous grass."  (Book #40, Hadith #544)
(282) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "No bloodmoney will be charged if somebody dies in a mine or in a well or is killed by an animal; and if somebody finds a treasure in his land he has to give one-fifth of it to the Government."  (Book #40, Hadith #545)
(283) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "There are three persons whom Allah will not look at on the Day of Resurrection, nor will he purify them and theirs shall be a severe punishment. They are: 1. A man possessed superfluous water, on a way and he withheld it from travelers. 2. A man who gave a pledge of allegiance to a ruler and he gave it only for worldly benefits. If the ruler gives him something he gets satisfied, and if the ruler withholds something from him, he gets dissatisfied. 3. And man displayed his goods for sale after the 'Asr prayer and he said, 'By Allah, except Whom None has the right to be worshipped, I have been given so much for my goods,' and somebody believes him (and buys them)." The Prophet then recited: "Verily! Those who purchase a little gain at the cost of Allah's Covenant and their oaths." (3.77)  (Book #40, Hadith #547)
(284) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "While a man was walking he felt thirsty and went down a well and drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, 'This (dog) is suffering from the same problem as that of mine. So he (went down the well), filled his shoe with water, caught hold of it with his teeth and climbed up and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for his (good) deed and forgave him." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving (the) animals?" He replied, "Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate."  (Book #40, Hadith #551)
(285) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, I will drive some people out from my (sacred) Fount on the Day of Resurrection as strange camels are expelled from a private trough."  (Book #40, Hadith #555)
(286) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "There are three types of people whom Allah will neither talk to, nor look at, on the Day of Resurrection. (They are): 1. A man who takes an oath falsely that he has been offered for his goods so much more than what he is given, 2. a man who takes a false oath after the 'Asr prayer in order to grab a Muslim's property, and 3. a man who with-holds his superfluous water. Allah will say to him, "Today I will with-hold My Grace from you as you with-held the superfluity of what you had not created."  (Book #40, Hadith #557)
(287) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Keeping horses may be a source of reward to some (man), a shelter to another (i.e. means of earning one's living), or a burden to a third. He to whom the horse will be a source of reward is the one who keeps it in Allah's Cause and ties it by a long rope in a pasture (or a garden). He will get a reward equal to what its long rope allows it to eat in the pasture or the garden, and if that horse breaks its rope and crosses one or two hills, then all its foot-steps and its dung will be counted as good deeds for its owner; and if it passes by a river and drinks from it, then that will also be regarded as a good deed for its owner even if he has had no intention of watering it then. Horses are a shelter from poverty to the second person who keeps horses for earning his living so as not to ask others, and at the same time he gives Allah's right (i.e. Rakat) (from the wealth he earns through using them in trading etc.,) and does not overburden them. He who keeps horses just out of pride and for showing off and as a means of harming the Muslims, his horses will be a source of sins to him." When Allah's Apostle was asked about donkeys, he replied, "Nothing particular was revealed to me regarding  (Book #40, Hadith #559)
(288) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "No doubt, you had better gather a bundle of wood and carry it on your back (and earn your living thereby) rather than ask somebody who may give you or not."  (Book #40, Hadith #562)
(289) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "One of the rights of a she camel is that it should be milked at a place of water."  (Book #40, Hadith #565)
(290) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet allowed the sale of the dates of the 'Araya for ready dates by estimating the former which should be estimated as less than five Awsuq or five Awsuq. (Dawud, the sub-narrator is not sure as to the right amount.)  (Book #40, Hadith #568)
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The words "abu huraira" appear in 1039 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.