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The words "abu huraira" appear in 1039 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.

(51) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "May Allah's curse be on the Jews for they built the places of worship at the graves of their Prophets."  (Book #8, Hadith #428)
(52) Narrated abu huraira: I saw seventy of As-Suffa men and none of them had a Rida' (a garment covering the upper part of the body). They had either Izars (only) or sheets which they tied round their necks. Some of these sheets reached the middle of their legs and some reached their heels and they used to gather them with their hands lest their private parts should become naked.  (Book #8, Hadith #433)
(53) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The angels keep on asking Allah's forgiveness for anyone of you, as long as he is at his Mu,salla (praying place) and he does not pass wind (Hadath). They say, 'O Allah! Forgive him, O Allah! be Merciful to him."  (Book #8, Hadith #436)
(54) Narrated Hassan bin Thabit Al-Ansari: I asked abu huraira "By Allah! Tell me the truth whether you heard the Prophet saying, 'O Hassan! Reply on behalf of Allah's Apostle. O Allah! Help him with the Holy Spirit." abu huraira said, "Yes . "  (Book #8, Hadith #444)
(55) Narrated abu huraira: A black man or a black woman used to sweep the mosque and he or she died. The Prophet asked about her (or him). He was told that she (or he) had died. He said, "Why did you not inform me? Show me his grave (or her grave)." So he went to her (his) grave and offered her (his) funeral prayer."  (Book #8, Hadith #448)
(56) Narrated abu Rafi: abu huraira said, "A man or a woman used to clean the mosque." (A sub-narrator said, 'Most probably a woman..') Then he narrated the Hadith of the Prophet  (Book #8, Hadith #450)
(57) Narrated abu huraira: "The Prophet said, "Last night a big demon (afreet) from the Jinns came to me and wanted to interrupt my prayers (or said something similar) but Allah enabled me to overpower him. I wanted to fasten him to one of the pillars of the mosque so that all of you could See him in the morning but I remembered the statement of my brother Solomon (as stated in Quran): My Lord! Forgive me and bestow on me a kingdom such as shall not belong to anybody after me (38.35)." The sub narrator Rauh said, "He (the demon) was dismissed humiliated."  (Book #8, Hadith #450m)
(58) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet sent some horsemen to Najd and they brought a man called Thumama bin Uthal from Bani Hanifa. They fastened him to one of the pillars of the mosque. The Prophet came and ordered them to release him. He went to a (garden of) date-palms near the mosque, took a bath and entered the, mosque again and said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah an Muhammad is His Apostle (i.e. he embraced Islam)."  (Book #8, Hadith #451)
(59) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle sent some horse men to Najd and they brought a man called Thumama bin Uthal from Bani Hanifa. They fastened him to one of the pillars of the mosque.  (Book #8, Hadith #458)
(60) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "The prayer offered in congregation is twenty five times more superior (in reward) to the prayer offered alone in one's house or in a business center, because if one performs ablution and does it perfectly, and then proceeds to the mosque with the sole intention of praying, then for each step which he takes towards the mosque, Allah upgrades him a degree in reward and (forgives) crosses out one sin till he enters the mosque. When he enters the mosque he is considered in prayer as long as he is waiting for the prayer and the angels keep on asking for Allah's forgiveness for him and they keep on saying: 'O Allah! Be Merciful to him, O Allah! Forgive him, as long as he keeps on sitting at his praying place and does not pass wind. (See Hadith No. 620).  (Book #8, Hadith #466)
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The words "abu huraira" appear in 1039 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.