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The words "abu huraira" appear in 1157 hadith(s) in Sahih Muslim صحيح مسلم translation.

(631) Hammam b. Munabbih reported: This is what abu huraira reported to us from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he narrated a hadith and (one) of them is that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: I swear by Allah, it is more sinful in Allah's sight for one of you to persist in an oath regarding his family than payment of its expiation which Allah has imposed upon him (for breaking the oath).  (Book #015, Hadith #4071)
(632) abu huraira reported that abu'l-Qasim (one of the names of Allah's Messenger [may peace be upon him]) said: He who accused his slave of adultery, punishment would be imposed upon him on the Day of Resurrection, except in case the accusation was as he had said.  (Book #015, Hadith #4090)
(633) abu huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: It is essential to feed the slave, clothe him (properly) and not burden him with work which is beyond his power.  (Book #015, Hadith #4095)
(634) abu huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When the slave of anyone amongst you prepares food for him and he serves him after having sat close to (and undergoing the hardship of) heat and smoke, he should make him (the slave) sit along with him and make him eat (along with him), and if the food seems to run short, then he should spare some portion for him (from his own share) - (another narrator) Dawud said:" i. e. a morsel or two". 4097  (Book #015, Hadith #4096)
(635) abu huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: For a faithful slave there are two rewards. By him in Whose hand is the life of abu huraira, but for Jibad in the cause of Allah, and Pilgrimage and kindness to my mother, I would have preferred to die as a slave. He (one of the narrators in the chain of transmitters) said: This news reached us that abu huraira did not perform Pilgrimage until his mother died for (keeping himself constantly) in her service. This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of abu Tahir but with a slight variation of words.  (Book #015, Hadith #4099)
(636) abu huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When a slave fulfils obligation of Allah and obligation of his master, he has two rewards for him. I narrated this to Ka'b, and Ka'b said: (Such a slave) has no accountability, nor has a poor believer.  (Book #015, Hadith #4100)
(637) abu huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: It is good for a slave that he worships Allah well, and serves his master (well). It is good for him.  (Book #015, Hadith #4101)
(638) abu huraira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: In case the slave is owned by two persons, and one of them emancipates him, he will guarantee (his full freedom).  (Book #015, Hadith #4108)
(639) abu huraira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who emancipates his portion in a slave, full emancipation may be secured for him out of his property (if he has money) if he has enough property to meet (the required expenses), but if he has not enough property, the slave should be put to extra labour (in order to earn money for buying his freedom), but he should not be overburdened.  (Book #015, Hadith #4110)
(640) abu huraira reported that among two women of the tribe of Hudhail one flung a stone upon the other causing an abortion to her Allah's Apostle (may peace he upon him) gave judgment that a male or a female slave of best quality be given as compensation.  (Book #016, Hadith #4166)
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The words "abu huraira" appear in 1157 hadith(s) in Sahih Muslim صحيح مسلم translation.