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The word "abu huraira" appear 1161 time(s) in 1033 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.

(311) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "There was an Israeli man called Juraij, while he was praying, his mother came and called him, but he did not respond to her call. He said (to himself) whether he should continue the prayer or reply to his mother. She came to him the second time and called him and said, "O Allah! Do not let him die until he sees the faces of prostitutes." Juraij used to live in a hermitage. A woman said that she would entice Juraij, so she went to him and presented herself (for an evil act) but he refused. She then went to a shepherd and allowed him to commit an illegal sexual intercourse with her and later she gave birth to a boy. She alleged that the baby was from Juraij. The people went to Juraij and broke down his hermitage, pulled him out of it and abused him. He performed ablution and offered the prayer, then he went to the male (baby) and asked him; "O boy! Who is your father?" The baby replied that his father was the shepherd. The people said that they would build for him a hermitage of gold but Juraij asked them to make it of mud only." (Book #43, Hadith #662)
(312) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever manumits his share of a jointly possessed slave, it is imperative for him to get that slave manumitted completely by paying the remaining price, and if he does not have sufficient money to manumit him, then the price of the slave should be estimated justly, and he is to be allowed to work and earn the amount that will manumit him (without overburdening him)".  (Book #44, Hadith #672)
(313) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever manumits his share of a jointly possessed slave, it is essential for him to manumit the slave completely if he has sufficient money. Otherwise he should look for some work for the slave (to earn what would enable him to emancipate himself), without overburdening him with work."  (Book #44, Hadith #682)
(314) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "One can ride the mortgaged animal because of what one spends on it, and one can drink the milk of a milch animal as long as it is mortgaged. "  (Book #45, Hadith #688)
(315) Narrated abu huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The mortgaged animal can be used for riding as long as it is fed and the milk of the milch animal can be drunk according to what one spend on it. The one who rides the animal or drinks its milk should provide the expenditures."  (Book #45, Hadith #689)
(316) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will save all the parts of his body from the (Hell) Fire as he has freed the body-parts of the slave." Said bin Marjana said that he narrated that Hadith to 'Ali bin Al-Husain and he freed his slave for whom 'Abdullah bin Ja'far had offered him ten thousand Dirhams or one-thousand Dinars.  (Book #46, Hadith #693)
(317) Narrated abu huraira: that the Prophet said, "Whoever frees his portion of a (common) slave."  (Book #46, Hadith #703)
(318) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever frees his portion of a common slave should free the slave completely by paying the rest of his price from his money if he has enough money; otherwise the price of the slave is to be estimated and the slave is to be helped to work without hardship till he pays the rest of his price."  (Book #46, Hadith #704)
(319) Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "Allah has accepted my invocation to forgive what whispers in the hearts of my followers, unless they put it to action or utter it." (See Hadith No. 657 Vol. 8)  (Book #46, Hadith #705)
(320) Narrated Qais: When abu huraira accompanied by his slave set out intending to embrace Islam they lost each other on the way. The slave then came while abu huraira was sitting with the Prophet. The Prophet said, "O abu huraira! Your slave has come back." abu huraira said, "Indeed, I would like you to witness that I have manumitted him." That happened at the time when abu huraira recited (the following poetic verse):-- 'What a long tedious tiresome night! Nevertheless, it has delivered us From the land of Kufr (disbelief).  (Book #46, Hadith #707)
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The word "abu huraira" appear 1161 time(s) in 1033 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.