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The word "allah" appear 12256 time(s) in 4542 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.

(1731) Narrated Sad bin 'Ubaida: Abu Abdur-Rahman who was one of the supporters of Uthman said to Abu Talha who was one of the supporters of Ali, "I perfectly know what encouraged your leader (i.e. 'Ali) to shed blood. I heard him saying: Once the Prophet sent me and Az-Zubair saying, 'Proceed to such-and-such Ar-Roudah (place) where you will find a lady whom Hatib has given a letter. So when we arrived at Ar-Roudah, we requested the lady to hand over the letter to us. She said, 'Hatib has not given me any letter.' We said to her. 'Take out the letter or else we will strip off your clothes.' So she took it out of her braid. So the Prophet sent for Hatib, (who came) and said, 'Don't hurry in judging me, for, by allah, I have not become a disbeliever, and my love to Islam is increasing. (The reason for writing this letter was) that there is none of your companions but has relatives in Mecca who look after their families and property, while I have nobody there, so I wanted to do them some favor (so that they might look after my family and property).' The Prophet believed him. 'Umar said, 'Allow me to chop off his (i.e. Hatib's) neck as he has done hypocrisy.' The Prophet said, (to 'Umar), 'Who knows, perhaps allah has looked at the warriors of Badr and said (to them), 'Do whatever you like, for I have forgiven you.' " 'Abdur-Rahman added, "So this is what encouraged him (i.e. Ali)."  (Book #52, Hadith #314)
(1732) Narrated Ibn Abi Mulaika: Ibn Az-Zubair said to Ibn Ja'far "Do you remember when I, you and Ibn 'Abbas went out to receive allah's Apostle?" Ibn Ja'far replied in the affirmative. Ibn Az-Zubair added, "And allah's Apostle made us (i.e. I and Ibn 'Abbas) ride along with him and left you."  (Book #52, Hadith #315)
(1733) Narrated As-Sa'ib bin Yazid: I along with some boys went out to receive allah's Apostle at Thaniyatal-Wada'.  (Book #52, Hadith #316)
(1734) Narrated Abdullah: When the Prophet returned (from Jihad), he would say Takbir thrice and add, "We are returning, if allah wishes, with repentance and worshipping and praising (our Lord) and prostrating ourselves before our Lord. allah fulfilled His Promise and helped His Slave, and He Alone defeated the (infidel) clans."  (Book #52, Hadith #317)
(1735) Narrated Anas bin Malik: We were in the company of the Prophet while returning from 'Usfan, and allah's Apostle was riding his she-camel keeping Safiya bint Huyay riding behind him. His she-camel slipped and both of them fell down. Abu Talha jumped from his camel and said, "O allah's Apostle! May allah sacrifice me for you." The Prophet said, "Take care of the lady." So, Abu Talha covered his face with a garment and went to Safiya and covered her with it, and then he set right the condition of their shecamel so that both of them rode, and we were encircling allah's Apostle like a cover. When we approached Medina, the Prophet said, "We are returning with repentance and worshipping and praising our Lord." He kept on saying this till he entered Medina.  (Book #52, Hadith #318)
(1736) Narrated Anas bin Malik: That he and Abu Talha came in the company of the Prophet and Safiya was accompanying the Prophet, who let her ride behind him on his she-camel. During the journey, the she-camel slipped and both the Prophet and (his) wife fell down. Abu Talha (the sub-narrator thinks that Anas said that Abu Talha jumped from his camel quickly) said, "O allah's Apostle! May allah sacrifice me for your sake! Did you get hurt?" The Prophet replied,"No, but take care of the lady." Abu Talha covered his face with his garment and proceeded towards her and covered her with his garment, and she got up. He then set right the condition of their she-camel and both of them (i.e. the Prophet and his wife) rode and proceeded till they approached Medina. The Prophet said, "We are returning with repentance and worshipping and praising our Lord." The Prophet kept on saying this statement till he entered Medina.  (Book #52, Hadith #319)
(1737) Narrated Muharib bin Dithar: Jabir bin 'Abdullah said, "When allah's Apostle arrived at Medina, he slaughtered a camel or a cow." Jabir added, "The Prophet bought a camel from me for two Uqiyas (of gold) and one or two Dirhams. When he reached Sirar, he ordered that a cow be slaughtered and they ate its meat. When he arrived at Medina, he ordered me to go to the Mosque and offer two Rakat, and weighed (and gave) me the price of the camel."  (Book #52, Hadith #322)
(1738) Narrated Ali: I got a she-camel in my share of the war booty on the day (of the battle) of Badr, and the Prophet had given me a she-camel from the Khumus. When I intended to marry Fatima, the daughter of allah's Apostle, I had an appointment with a goldsmith from the tribe of Bani Qainuqa' to go with me to bring Idhkhir (i.e. grass of pleasant smell) and sell it to the goldsmiths and spend its price on my wedding party. I was collecting for my she-camels equipment of saddles, sacks and ropes while my two she-camels were kneeling down beside the room of an Ansari man. I returned after collecting whatever I collected, to see the humps of my two she-camels cut off and their flanks cut open and some portion of their livers was taken out. When I saw that state of my two she-camels, I could not help weeping. I asked, "Who has done this?" The people replied, "Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib who is staying with some Ansari drunks in this house." I went away till I reached the Prophet and Zaid bin Haritha was with him. The Prophet noticed on my face the effect of what I had suffered, so the Prophet asked. "What is wrong with you." I replied, "O allah's Apostle! I have never seen such a day as today. Hamza attacked my two she-camels, cut off their humps, and ripped open their flanks, and he is sitting there in a house in the company of some drunks." The Prophet then asked for his covering sheet, put it on, and set out walking followed by me and Zaid bin Haritha till he came to the house where Hamza was. He asked permission to enter, and they allowed him, and they were drunk. allah's Apostle started rebuking Hamza for what he had done, but Hamza was drunk and his eyes were red. Hamza looked at allah's Apostle and then he raised his eyes, looking at his knees, then he raised up his eyes looking at his umbilicus, and again he raised up his eyes look in at his face. Hamza then said, "Aren't you but the slaves of my father?" allah's Apostle realized that he was drunk, so allah's Apostle retreated, and we went out with him.  (Book #53, Hadith #324)
(1739) Narrated 'Aisha: (mother of the believers) After the death of allah 's Apostle Fatima the daughter of allah's Apostle asked Abu Bakr As-Siddiq to give her, her share of inheritance from what allah's Apostle had left of the Fai (i.e. booty gained without fighting) which allah had given him. Abu Bakr said to her, "allah's Apostle said, 'Our property will not be inherited, whatever we (i.e. prophets) leave is Sadaqa (to be used for charity)." Fatima, the daughter of allah's Apostle got angry and stopped speaking to Abu Bakr, and continued assuming that attitude till she died. Fatima remained alive for six months after the death of allah's Apostle. She used to ask Abu Bakr for her share from the property of allah's Apostle which he left at Khaibar, and Fadak, and his property at Medina (devoted for charity). Abu Bakr refused to give her that property and said, "I will not leave anything allah's Apostle used to do, because I am afraid that if I left something from the Prophet's tradition, then I would go astray." (Later on) Umar gave the Prophet's property (of Sadaqa) at Medina to 'Ali and 'Abbas, but he withheld the properties of Khaibar and Fadak in his custody and said, "These two properties are the Sadaqa which allah's Apostle used to use for his expenditures and urgent needs. Now their management is to be entrusted to the ruler." (Az-Zuhrl said, "They have been managed in this way till today.")  (Book #53, Hadith #325)
(1740) Narrated Malik bin Aus: While I was at home, the sun rose high and it got hot. Suddenly the messenger of 'Umar bin Al-Khattab came to me and said, "The chief of the believers has sent for you." So, I went along with him till I entered the place where 'Umar was sitting on a bedstead made of date-palm leaves and covered with no mattress, and he was leaning over a leather pillow. I greeted him and sat down. He said, "O Malik! Some persons of your people who have families came to me and I have ordered that a gift should be given to them, so take it and distribute it among them." I said, "O chief of the believers! I wish that you order someone else to do it." He said, "O man! Take it." While I was sitting there with him, his doorman Yarfa' came saying, "'Uthman, 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf, Az-Zubair and Sad bin Abi Waqqas are asking your permission (to see you); may I admit them?" 'Umar said, "Yes", So they were admitted and they came in, greeted him, and sat down. After a while Yarfa' came again and said, "May I admit 'Ali and 'Abbas?" 'Umar said, "yes." So, they were admitted and they came in and greeted (him) and sat down. Then 'Abbas said, "O chief of the believers! Judge between me and this (i.e. 'Ali)." They had a dispute regarding the property of Bani An-Nadir which allah had given to His Apostle as Fai. The group (i.e. 'Uthman and his companions) said, "O chief of the believers! Judge between them and relieve both of them front each other." 'Umar said, "Be patient! I beseech you by allah by Whose Permission the Heaven and the Earth exist, do you know that allah's Apostle said, 'Our (i.e. prophets') property will not be inherited, and whatever we leave, is Sadaqa (to be used for charity),' and allah's Apostle meant himself (by saying "we'')?" The group said, "He said so." 'Umar then turned to 'Ali and 'Abbas and said, "I beseech you by allah, do you know that allah's Apostle said so?" They replied, " He said so." 'Umar then said, "So, I will talk to you about this matter. allah bestowed on His Apostle with a special favor of something of this Fai (booty) which he gave to nobody else." 'Umar then recited the Holy Verses: "What allah bestowed as (Fai) Booty on his Apostle (Muhammad) from them --- for this you made no expedition with either cavalry or camelry: But allah gives power to His Apostles over whomever He will 'And allah is able to do all things." 9:6) 'Umar added "So this property was especially given to allah's Apostle, but, by allah, neither did he take possession of it and leave your, nor did he favor himself with it to your exclusion, but he gave it to all of you and distributed it amongst you till this property remained out of it. allah's Apostle used to spend the yearly expenses of his family out of this property and used to keep the rest of its revenue to be spent on allah 's Cause. allah 's Apostle kept on doing this during all his lifetime. I ask you by allah do you know this?" They replies in the affirmative. 'Umar then said to 'Ali and 'Abbas. "I ask you by allah, do you know this?" 'Umar added, "When allah had taken His Prophet unto Him, 'Abu Bakr said, 'I am the successor of allah's Apostle so, Abu Bakr took over that property and managed it in the same way as allah's Apostle used to do, and allah knows that he was true, pious and rightly-guided, and he was a follower of what was right. Then allah took Abu Bakr unto Him and I became Abu Bakr's successor, and I kept that property in my possession for the first two years of my Caliphate, managing it in the same way as allah's Apostle used to do and as Abu Bakr used to do, and allah knows that I have been true, pious, rightly guided, and a follower of what is right. Now you both (i.e. 'Ah and 'Abbas) came to talk to me, bearing the same claim and presenting the same case; you, 'Abbas, came to me asking for your share from your nephew's property, and this man, i.e. 'Ali, came to me asking for his wife's share from her father's property. I told you both that allah's Apostle said, 'Our (prophets') properties are not to be inherited, but what we leave is Sadaqa (to be used for charity).' When I thought it right that I should hand over this property to you, I said to you, 'I am ready to hand over this property to you if you wish, on the condition that you would take allah's Pledge and Convention that you would manage it in the same way as allah's Apostle used to, and as Abu Bakr used to do, and as I have done since I was in charge of it.' So, both of you said (to me), 'Hand it over to us,' and on that condition I handed it over to you. So, I ask you by allah, did I hand it over to them on this condition?" The group aid, "Yes." Then 'Umar faced 'Ali and Abbas saying, "I ask you by allah, did I hand it over to you on this condition?" They said, "Yes. " He said, " Do you want now to give a different decision? By allah, by Whose Leave both the Heaven and the Earth exist, I will never give any decision other than that (I have already given). And if you are unable to manage it, then return it to me, and I will do the job on your behalf."  (Book #53, Hadith #326)
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The word "allah" appear 12256 time(s) in 4542 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.