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The word "allah" appear 12256 time(s) in 4542 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.

(2201) Narrated Abu Huraira: Gabriel came to the Prophet and said, "O allah's Apostle! This is Khadija coming to you with a dish having meat soup (or some food or drink). When she reaches you, greet her on behalf of her Lord (i.e. allah) and on my behalf, and give her the glad tidings of having a Qasab palace in Paradise wherein there will be neither any noise nor any fatigue (trouble) . " Narrated 'Aisha: Once Hala bint Khuwailid, Khadija's sister, asked the permission of the Prophet to enter. On that, the Prophet remembered the way Khadija used to ask permission, and that upset him. He said, "O allah! Hala!" So I became jealous and said, "What makes you remember an old woman amongst the old women of Quraish an old woman (with a teethless mouth) of red gums who died long ago, and in whose place allah has given you somebody better than her?"  (Book #58, Hadith #168)
(2202) Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: The Prophet met Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail in the bottom of (the valley of) Baldah before any Divine Inspiration came to the Prophet. A meal was presented to the Prophet but he refused to eat from it. (Then it was presented to Zaid) who said, "I do not eat anything which you slaughter in the name of your stone idols. I eat none but those things on which allah's Name has been mentioned at the time of slaughtering." Zaid bin 'Amr used to criticize the way Quraish used to slaughter their animals, and used to say, "allah has created the sheep and He has sent the water for it from the sky, and He has grown the grass for it from the earth; yet you slaughter it in other than the Name of allah. He used to say so, for he rejected that practice and considered it as something abominable. Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail went to Sham, inquiring about a true religion to follow. He met a Jewish religious scholar and asked him about their religion. He said, "I intend to embrace your religion, so tell me some thing about it." The Jew said, "You will not embrace our religion unless you receive your share of allah's Anger." Zaid said, "'I do not run except from allah's Anger, and I will never bear a bit of it if I have the power to avoid it. Can you tell me of some other religion?" He said, "I do not know any other religion except the Hanif." Zaid enquired, "What is Hanif?" He said, "Hanif is the religion of (the prophet) Abraham who was neither a Jew nor a Christian, and he used to worship None but allah (Alone)" Then Zaid went out and met a Christian religious scholar and told him the same as before. The Christian said, "You will not embrace our religion unless you get a share of allah's Curse." Zaid replied, "I do not run except from allah's Curse, and I will never bear any of allah's Curse and His Anger if I have the power to avoid them. Will you tell me of some other religion?" He replied, "I do not know any other religion except Hanif." Zaid enquired, "What is Hanif?" He replied, Hanif is the religion of (the prophet) Abraham who was neither a Jew nor a Christian and he used to worship None but allah (Alone)" When Zaid heard their Statement about (the religion of) Abraham, he left that place, and when he came out, he raised both his hands and said, "O allah! I make You my Witness that I am on the religion of Abraham." Narrated Asma bint Abi Bakr: I saw Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail standing with his back against the Ka'ba and saying, "O people of Quraish! By allah, none amongst you is on the religion of Abraham except me." He used to preserve the lives of little girls: If somebody wanted to kill his daughter he would say to him, "Do not kill her for I will feed her on your behalf." So he would take her, and when she grew up nicely, he would say to her father, "Now if you want her, I will give her to you, and if you wish, I will feed her on your behalf."  (Book #58, Hadith #169)
(2203) Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The people used to consider the performance of 'Umra in the months of Hajj an evil deed on the earth, and they used to call the month of Muharram as Safar and used to say, "When (the wounds over) the backs (of the camels) have healed and the foot-marks (of the camels) have vanished (after coming from Hajj), then 'Umra becomes legal for the one who wants to perform 'Umra." allah's Apostle and his companions reached Mecca assuming Ihram for Hajj on the fourth of Dhul-Hijja. The Prophet ordered his companions to perform 'Umra (with that lhram instead of Hajj). They asked, "O allah's Apostle! What kind of finishing of Ihram?" The Prophet said, "Finish the Ihram completely.'  (Book #58, Hadith #173)
(2204) Narrated Qais bin Abi Hazim: Abu Bakr went to a lady from the Ahmas tribe called Zainab bint Al-Muhajir and found that she refused to speak. He asked, "Why does she not speak." The people said, "She has intended to perform Hajj without speaking." He said to her, "Speak, for it is illegal not to speak, as it is an action of the pre-islamic period of ignorance. So she spoke and said, "Who are you?" He said, "A man from the Emigrants." She asked, "Which Emigrants?" He replied, "From Quraish." She asked, "From what branch of Quraish are you?" He said, "You ask too many questions; I am Abu Bakr." She said, "How long shall we enjoy this good order (i.e. Islamic religion) which allah has brought after the period of ignorance?" He said, "You will enjoy it as long as your Imams keep on abiding by its rules and regulations." She asked, "What are the Imams?" He said, "Were there not heads and chiefs of your nation who used to order the people and they used to obey them?" She said, "Yes." He said, "So they (i.e. the Imams) are those whom I meant."  (Book #58, Hadith #175)
(2205) Narrated 'Umar: The Prophet said, "If anybody has to take an oath, he should swear only by allah." The people of Quraish used to swear by their fathers, but the Prophet said, "Do not swear by your fathers. "  (Book #58, Hadith #177)
(2206) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "The most true words said by a poet was the words of Labid." He said, Verily, Everything except allah is perishable and Umaiya bin As-Salt was about to be a Muslim (but he did not embrace Islam).  (Book #58, Hadith #181)
(2207) Narrated 'Aisha: allah caused the day of Buath to take place before allah's Apostle was sent (as an Apostle) so that when allah's Apostle reached Medina, those people had already divided (in different groups) and their chiefs had been killed or wounded. So allah made that day precede allah's Apostle so that they (i.e. the Ansar) might embrace Islam. Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: To run along the valley between two green pillars of Safa and Marwa (mountains) was not Sunna, but the people in the pre-islamic period of ignorance used to run along it, and used to say: "We do not cross this rain stream except running strongly. "  (Book #58, Hadith #186)
(2208) Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: allah's Apostle was inspired Divinely at the age of forty. Then he stayed in Mecca for thirteen years, and then was ordered to migrate, and he migrated to Medina and stayed there for ten years and then died.  (Book #58, Hadith #190)
(2209) Narrated Khabbaba: I came to the Prophet while he was leaning against his sheet cloak in the shade of the Ka'ba. We were suffering greatly from the pagans in those days. i said (to him). "Will you invoke allah (to help us)?" He sat down with a red face and said, "(A believer among) those who were before you used to be combed with iron combs so that nothing of his flesh or nerves would remain on his bones; yet that would never make him desert his religion. A saw might be put over the parting of his head which would be split into two parts, yet all that would never make him abandon his religion. allah will surely complete this religion (i.e. Islam) so that a traveler from Sana to Hadra-maut will not be afraid of anybody except allah." (The sub-narrator, Baiyan added, "Or the wolf, lest it should harm his sheep.")  (Book #58, Hadith #191)
(2210) Narrated 'Abdullah: While the Prophet was prostrating, surrounded by some of Quraish, 'Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait brought the intestines (i.e. abdominal contents) of a camel and put them over the back of the Prophet. The Prophet did not raise his head, (till) Fatima, came and took it off his back and cursed the one who had done the harm. The Prophet said, "O allah! Destroy the chiefs of Quraish, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, 'Utba bin Rabi'al, Shaba bin Rabi'a, Umaiya bin Khalaf or Ubai bin Khalaf." (The sub-narrator Shu'ba, is not sure of the last name.) I saw these people killed on the day of Badr battle and thrown in the well except Umaiya or Ubai whose body parts were mutilated but he was not thrown in the well.  (Book #58, Hadith #193)
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The word "allah" appear 12256 time(s) in 4542 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.