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The word "jinn" appear 30 time(s) in 23 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.

(11) Narrated Abu Huraira: That once he was in the, company of the Prophet carrying a water pot for his ablution and for cleaning his private parts. While he was following him carrying it(i.e. the pot), the Prophet said, "Who is this?" He said, "I am Abu Huraira." The Prophet said, "Bring me stones in order to clean my private parts, and do not bring any bones or animal dung." Abu Huraira went on narrating: So I brought some stones, carrying them in the corner of my robe till I put them by his side and went away. When he finished, I walked with him and asked, "What about the bone and the animal dung?" He said, "They are of the food of jinns. The delegate of jinns of (the city of) Nasibin came to me--and how nice those jinns were--and asked me for the remains of the human food. I invoked Allah for them that they would never pass by a bone or animal dung but find food on them."  (Book #58, Hadith #200)
(12) Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: I never heard 'Umar saying about something that he thought it would be so-and-so, but he was quite right. Once, while 'Umar was sitting, a handsome man passed by him, 'Umar said, "If I am not wrong, this person is still on his religion of the pre-lslamic period of ignorance or he was their foreteller. Call the man to me." When the man was called to him, he told him of his thought. The man said, "I have never seen such a day on which a Muslim is faced with such an accusation." 'Umar said, "I am determined that you should tell me the truth." He said, "I was a foreteller in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance." Then 'Umar said, "Tell me the most astonishing thing your female jinn has told you of." He said, "One-day while I was in the market, she came to me scared and said, 'Haven't you seen the jinns and their despair and they were overthrown after their defeat (and prevented from listening to the news of the heaven) so that they (stopped going to the sky and) kept following camel-riders (i.e. 'Arabs)?" 'Umar said, "He is right." and added, "One day while I was near their idols, there came a man with a calf and slaughtered it as a sacrifice (for the idols). An (unseen) creature shouted at him, and I have never heard harsher than his voice. He was crying, 'O you bold evil-doer! A matter of success! An eloquent man is saying: None has the right to be worshipped except you (O Allah).' On that the people fled, but I said, 'I shall not go away till I know what is behind this.' Then the cry came again: 'O you bold evil-doer! A matter of success! An eloquent man is saying: None has the right to be worshipped except Allah.' I then went away and a few days later it was said, "A prophet has appeared."  (Book #58, Hadith #206)
(13) Narrated Abdullah: Regarding the explanation of the Verse: 'Those whom they call upon (worship) (like Jesus the Son of Mary, angels etc.) desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord (Allah) as to which of them should be the nearer and they hope for His Mercy and fear His torment.' (17.57) They themselves (e.g. Angels, saints, Apostles, Jesus, etc.,) worshipped Allah, Those jinns who were worshipped by some Arabs became Muslims (embraced Islam), but those human beings stuck to their (old) religion. Al-Amash said extra: 'Say, (O Muhammad): Call unto those besides Him whom you assume (to be gods).' (17.56)  (Book #60, Hadith #238)
(14) Narrated Abdullah: Regarding the Verse: 'Those whom they call upon (worship) (like Jesus the Son of Mary or angels etc.) desire (for themselves) means of access, to their Lord....' (17.57) (It was revealed regarding) some jinns who used to be worshipped (by human beings). They later embraced Islam (while those people kept on worshipping them).  (Book #60, Hadith #239)
(15) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Last night a demon from the jinns came to me (or the Prophet said, a similar sentence) to disturb my prayer, but Allah gave me the power to overcome him. I intended to tie him to one of the pillars of the mosque till the morning so that all of you could see him, but then I remembered the Statement of my brother Solomon:--'My Lord! Forgive me and bestow on me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me.' (38.35) The narrator added: Then he (the Prophet) dismissed him, rejected. 'Nor am I one of the pretenders (a person who pretends things which do not exist).' (38.86)  (Book #60, Hadith #332)
(16) Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet performed a prostration when he finished reciting Surat-an-Najm, and all the Muslims and pagans and jinns and human beings prostrated along with him.  (Book #60, Hadith #385)
(17) Narrated Ibn Abbas: Allah's Apostle went out along with a group of his companions towards 'Ukaz Market. At that time something intervened between the devils and the news of the Heaven, and flames were sent down upon them, so the devils returned. Their fellow-devils said, "What is wrong with you? " They said, "Something has intervened between us and the news of the Heaven, and fires (flames) have been shot at us." Their fellow-devils said, "Nothing has intervened between you and the news of the Heaven, but an important event has happened. Therefore, travel all over the world, east and west, and try to find out what has happened." And so they set out and travelled all over the world, east and west, looking for that thing which intervened between them and the news of the Heaven. Those of the devils who had set out towards Tihama, went to Allah's Apostle at Nakhla (a place between Mecca and Taif) while he was on his way to Ukaz Market. (They met him) while he was offering the Fajr prayer with his companions. When they heard the Holy Qur'an being recited (by Allah's Apostle), they listened to it and said (to each other). This is the thing which has intervened between you and the news of the Heavens." Then they returned to their people and said, "O our people! We have really heard a wonderful recital (Qur'an). It gives guidance to the right, and we have believed therein. We shall not join in worship, anybody with our Lord." (See 72.1-2) Then Allah revealed to His Prophet (Surat al-jinn): 'Say: It has been revealed to me that a group (3 to 9) of jinns listened (to the Qur'an).' (72.1) The statement of the jinns was revealed to him .  (Book #60, Hadith #443)
(18) Narrated 'Aisha: When Allah's Apostle emigrated to Medina, Abu Bakr and Bilal got a fever. I entered upon them and asked, "O my father! How are you? O Bilal! How are you?" Whenever fever attacked Abu Bakr, he would recite the following poetic verses: 'Everybody is staying alive among his people, yet death is nearer to him than his shoe laces." And whenever the fever deserted Bilal, he would recite (two poetic lines): 'Would that I could stay overnight in a valley wherein I would be surrounded by Idhkhir and Jalil (two kinds of good smelling grass). Would that one day I would drink of the water of Majinna and would that Shama and Tafil (two mountains at Mecca) would appear to me.' Then I came and informed Allah's Apostle about that, whereupon he said, "O Allah! Make us love Medina as much or more than we love Mecca. O Allah! Make it healthy and bless its Mudd and Sa for us, and take away its fever and put it in Al'Juhfa."  (Book #70, Hadith #558)
(19) Narrated 'Aisha: When Allah's Apostle emigrated to Medina, Abu Bakr and Bilal had a fever. I entered upon them and said, "O my father! How are you? O Bilal! How are you?" Whenever Abu Bakr got the fever he used to say, "Everybody is staying alive with his people, yet death is nearer to him than his shoe laces." And when fever deserted Bilal, he would recite (two poetic verses): "Would that I could stay overnight in a valley wherein I would be surrounded by Idhkhir and Jalil (two kinds of good smelling grass). Would that one day I could drink of the water of Majinna, and would that Shama and Tafil (two mountains at Mecca) would appear to me!" I went to Allah's Apostle and informed him about that. He said, "O Allah! Make us love Medina as much or more than we love Mecca, and make it healthy, and bless its Sa and its Mudd, and take away its fever and put it in Al-Juhfa." (See Hadith No 558) . (Book #70, Hadith #581)
(20) Narrated 'Aisha: Some people asked Allah's Apostle about the fore-tellers He said. ' They are nothing" They said, 'O Allah's Apostle! Sometimes they tell us of a thing which turns out to be true." Allah's Apostle said, "A jinn snatches that true word and pours it Into the ear of his friend (the fore-teller) (as one puts something into a bottle) The foreteller then mixes with that word one hundred lies."  (Book #71, Hadith #657)
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The word "jinn" appear 30 time(s) in 23 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation.