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Exercise 4

Listen'inna l-kack 'al-misriyy li-'akthar min mumtāz
Egyptian cookies are superb.
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Listen cindamā 'usāfir li-l-khārij, dā'iman 'akhudh macī thalātha sanādīq mina l-kacki l-misriyy
When I go abroad I always take three boxes of Egyptian cookies with me.
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Listenwāhid kahadiyya, wa-tabcan 'al-bāqiyy lī
One as a present, and of course the rest for me
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Listen fa-'anta lā tacrif mā huwa t-tacām fī d-dawwali l-'ajnabiyya
You never know what food they got in foreign countries.
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Listen 'athnā' 'as-siyām fī ramadān, 'actaqidu 'anna misr tatawaqqaf can sunci l-khubz
During the fast in Ramadan, I think that Egypt stops making bread.
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Listen kullu d-daqīq yustakhdam li-l-kack bi-kulli 'ashkālihi wa-kulli alwānihi
All of the flour is used for cookies in all shapes and colours.
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Listen cindamā yantahiyy 'as-siyām, kullu l-cā'ilāti l-misriyya yakūn cindamā kack yakfiyy li-mudda shahr
When the fast is over, all Egyptian families have cookies enough for months.
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