Arabic to English Translation

جبان found in 5 words.
1.Craven, Fainthearted, Gutless, Pusillanimous, Unmanly, White-livered, Wimpy, Yellow-bellied
coward, cowardly, chicken, chicken-hearted, sissified, pigeon-hearted, lily-livered, poor-spirited, unmanly, tremulous, timorous, shy, scared, fearful, fearsome, funky, timid, spiritless, sheepish, faint, heartless, pusillanimous, weak-kneed, apprehensive chicken-heart, coward, dastard, recreant, sheep, funk, sissy, cur
2.needless to sayجبان لأن يقول
3.poltroonجبان لأبعد الحدود
5.cemetery, graveyard, sepulchre, cowardice, pusillanimity, timidityجبانة
جبان found in 5 words.

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