Arabic to English Translation

صار found in 17 words.
1.Squeakier, Squeakiest, Squeaky
2.orphanصار يتيما
3.Germanizedصار ألمانيًّا
4.Drastic, Rigorous, Strict, Stringent
rigid, rigorous, severe, inclement, austere, astringent, dour, exact, stern, strait, strict, stringent, tight, fast, firm, hard, hard and fast, rugged, stark, tough, unrelenting, disciplinary, stiff, violent, driving, searching, sharp, swingeing, extreme, hardheaded Puritan, ramrod
5.Unflexibleصارم, غير مرن
7.rocket, missile, projectile, skyrocketصاروخ rocketصاروخ فضائي
9.retrorocketصاروخ كابح
10.guided missile, homing homingصاروخ موجه
11.mediumصاروخ متوسط المدى
12.intercontinentalصاروخ عابر للقارات
13.mastصاري المركب
14.mastصاري السفينة
15.Clamored, Flagrant, Screamed, Screeched, Shrieked, Shrilled
loud, noisy, sharp, jarring, fortissimo, crying, blatant, garish, gaudy, flamboyant, showy, staring, lurid, rank, outrageous, violent, trumpery
16.struggle, wrestle, war, scrabble about, grapple, fool smb. out of smth.صارع
صار found in 17 words.

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