Arabic to English Translation

وهم found in 8 words.
1.illusion, delusion, fancy, imagination, bubble, phantom, vapour, vapor, idol, vagary, prestige be illusory, purportوهم
2.optical illusionوهم نظري
3.chantingوهم يرددون
4.fantasy, phantasyوهم خداع
5.and imaginary, mirage, unreality, romanticism, utopian, phantom, dummy, delusive, airy-fairy, fanciful, unreal, paper, chimerical, subjective, visionary, made-up, quixotic, putative, fallacious, delusory, fantastic, notional, unsubstantial, airy, astral, mythical, romanticوهمى
6.Chimerical, Delusive, Illusionary, Mocker, Phantasmal, Phantasmic
delusive, delusory, fallacious, fanciful, fantastic, notional, unreal, unsubstantial, subjective, putative, visionary, made-up, dummy, phantom, paper, chimerical, mythical, romantic, quixotic, airy, airy-fairy, astral mirage, romanticism, unreality, Utopian
7.Chimeric, Phantasmagoric
delusive, delusory, fallacious, fanciful, fantastic, notional, unreal, unsubstantial, subjective, putative, visionary, made-up, dummy, phantom, paper, chimerical, mythical, romantic, quixotic, airy, airy-fairy, astral mirage, romanticism, unreality, Utopian
وهم found in 8 words.

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