Search Muslim Baby Islamic Names for Boys and Girls

Found 27 Islamic names begin with 'Q' for Muslim Girls.

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# Islamic Name Meaning
1 Qabalah Responsibility
2 Qabilah Consenting
3 Qabool Accepted
4 Qadriyyah Strong
5 Qailah One who speaks
6 Qamayr She was a narrator of Hadith
7 Qameer Wife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda daughter of Amr al-Kufiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith who quoted Sayyidina Ayshah (R.A)
8 Qaniah Contended
9 Qaraah Cloudlet
10 Qarasafahl She was a narrator of Hadith
11 Qareebah Near
12 Qasoomah She was a poetess
13 Qaylah Two women companions had this name
14 Qaymayriyah She was a student of Hadith
15 Qaysar A name of women
16 Qindeel Light
17 Qirat Beautiful Recitation
18 Qisaf Brittle
19 Qiyyama Stand for Allah
20 Quadriyyah Strong
21 Quddusiyyah Sacred, Pious
22 Qudsiyah Holy
23 Quraybah Utricle
24 Qurrat-ul-ain Delights of an eye
25 Qurratul Ayn Delights of the eye, darling
Found 27 Islamic names begin with 'Q' for Muslim Girls in 2 pages.
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