Search Muslim Baby Islamic Names for Boys and Girls

Found 51 Islamic names begin with 'J' for Muslim Boys.

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# Islamic Name Meaning
1 Jaan Life, Soul
2 Jabir Consoler, Comforter, restorer
3 Jabr Compulsion name of a companion
4 Jad Curly, Frizzled
5 Jafar Rivulet, stream
6 Jaffer Flowing water
7 Jahangir A moghul emperor had this name
8 Jahanzeb Beautiful
9 Jahdami An authority for hadith had this name
10 Jahdari An authority of Quran had this name
11 Jahiz Ogle-eyed
12 Jahm Sullen
13 Jalal Glory, grandeur
14 Jalees Companion, friend, person with whom one sits
15 Jalil Great, revered
16 Jamal Beauty
17 Jamesha Beautiful leader
18 Jamil Beautiful, lovely
19 Jan Life, heart
20 Jaraah Surgeon; name of tabaree
21 Jareer Corpulent
22 Jari Powerful, brave
23 Jariyah Name of a Ashb-as-Suffa
24 Jarood Name of a companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)
25 Jarrar Brave
Found 51 Islamic names begin with 'J' for Muslim Boys in 3 pages.
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