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The word(s) "islamic" appears 301 time(s) in 281 verse(s) in Quran in Mohsin Khan translation.

(251) He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) with guidance and the religion of truth (islamic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) hate (it).
(252) He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them (from the filth of disbelief and polytheism), and teaching them the Book (this Qur'an, islamic laws and islamic jurisprudence) and Al-Hikmah (As-Sunnah: legal ways, orders, acts of worship of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم). And verily, they had been before in manifest error;
(253) But those who disbelieved (in the Oneness of Allah - islamic Monotheism) and denied Our Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), they will be the dwellers of the Fire, to dwell therein forever. And worst indeed is that destination .
(254) (And has also sent to you) a Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), who recites to you the Verses of Allah (the Qur'an) containing clear explanations, that He may take out those who believe and do righteous good deeds, from the darkness (of polytheism and disbelief) to the light (of islamic Monotheism). And whosoever believes in Allah and performs righteous good deeds, He will admit him into Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise) to dwell therein forever. Allah has indeed granted for him an excellent provision.
(255) (It will be said in the Hereafter) O you who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah - islamic Monotheism)! Make no excuses this Day! You are being requited only for what you used to do.
(256) Is he who walks prone (without seeing) on his face, more rightly guided, or he who (sees and) walks upright on the Straight Way (i.e. islamic Monotheism)?
(257) So (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) obey you not the deniers [(of islamic Monotheism - those who belie the Verses of Allah), the Oneness of Allah, and the Messengership of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم]
(258) Shall We then treat the Muslims (believers of islamic Monotheism, doers of righteous deeds) like the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists and disbelievers, etc.)?
(259) He said: "O my Lord! Verily, I have called to my people night and day (i.e. secretly and openly to accept the doctrine of islamic Monotheism),
(260) 'And indeed when we heard the Guidance (this Qur'an), we believed therein (islamic Monotheism), and whosoever believes in his Lord shall have no fear, either of a decrease in the reward of his good deeds or an increase in the punishment for his sins.
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The word(s) "islamic" appears 301 time(s) in 281 verse(s) in Quran in Mohsin Khan translation.